Winning Aerith's Heart: A Guide to Romance in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

In the vibrant universe of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, relationships flourish and develop as players navigate through intricate storytelling and engaging quests. Among the various characters, Aerith Gainsborough stands out not only for her pivotal role in the narrative but also for the potential romance players can forge with her. Building a strong bond with Aerith not only alters the course of Cloud's journey but also leads to memorable moments, including the iconic dates at the Gold Saucer. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newcomer, this guide will provide you with essential strategies to ensure you win Aerith’s heart and make the most of your adventure.

Understanding Relationships in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

To successfully romance Aerith, you must maintain a focus on deepening your connection with her, prioritizing her above other characters. This dynamic is especially crucial in Chapters 8 and 12, where the outcomes of your relationships are solidified. In these chapters, if you have cultivated a strong bond with Aerith, she will surely be the lovely companion waiting at Cloud’s door.

The key lies in keeping your relationship meter with Aerith in a bright blue hue, which signifies the highest level of friendship. Players must be vigilant about their interactions, ensuring that only Aerith showcases this vibrant color. If another character, like Tifa, achieves a higher friendship level than Aerith, it risks leading Cloud on a date with them instead.

The Path to Aerith’s Heart

Raising your relationship level with Aerith can be both rewarding and strategic. To foster this bond, you need to limit your interactions with others, especially during critical dialogue moments throughout the game’s chapters. Choosing responses that favor Aerith and avoiding uplifting other characters will cement your path toward romance.

Dialogue Choices: Key Moments

As players progress through story chapters, there are numerous opportunities to engage in dialogue with Aerith. Each interaction presents you with distinct response options, typically varying between the best, neutral, and least favorable. To steer your relationship in the right direction, opt for the best choices. Below are recommended dialogue selections that will positively impact your relationship with Aerith:

  • Chapter Two - Kalm: **“Sure. Let’s.”**
  • Chapter Four - Under Junon Inn: **“You shoved a flower at me.”**
  • Chapter Six - Costa del Sol Beach: **“They're just thoughts.”**
  • Chapter Nine - Gongaga: **“They didn't seem to mind.”**
  • Chapter Ten - Cosmo Canyon: **“Encourage her.”**
  • Chapter Eleven - Nibelheim: **“Sounds like something I’d do.”**

Special Outfits: The Swimming Choice

During a sunny day at Costa del Sol, players face a unique choice regarding swimming outfits for Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa. Matching Aerith’s swimming costume with Cloud’s will further bolster their connection. Avoid mismatching outfits with Tifa to prevent inadvertently boosting her relationship with Cloud instead. The outfits worn help shape the dynamics of the characters' relationships, making this moment crucial for romance with Aerith.

Engaging in Aerith’s Side Quests

Throughout the main narrative, there are seven designated side quests focused on deepening your bond with Aerith. Completing these quests not only enhances your relationship but also enriches the storyline. Here is a brief overview of Aerith’s side quests:

  1. **Quest 1**: [Brief description]
  2. **Quest 2**: [Brief description]
  3. **Quest 3**: [Brief description]
  4. **Quest 4**: [Brief description]
  5. **Quest 5**: [Brief description]
  6. **Quest 6**: [Brief description]
  7. **Quest 7**: [Brief description]

Engaging in these quests is essential as they provide players with key insights into Aerith’s character and allow for more intimate interactions, further solidifying your chances of romance.

The Gold Saucer Dates: Aerith's Heart in Chapters 8 and 12

The pinnacle of your relationship with Aerith culminates in the two special dates at the Gold Saucer. The first opportunity arises in Chapter 8. After navigating through essential storylines and quests, Cloud will be welcomed by a knock on his door. If you’ve managed to secure Aerith as your highest relationship level, the ensuing mini-date will be a delightful reward.

The second date with Aerith, which is a more genuine experience, takes place in Chapter 12, provided you’ve maintained that special bond. When Aerith appears at Cloud's door, you’ll know your efforts have paid off, and she’ll be your partner for an enchanting evening.

Post-Game Reminiscence

Should you find that you didn’t achieve the desired level of romance with Aerith during your initial playthrough that prevents you from having a fulfilling date, fear not! Players can revisit the Gold Saucer date through an extra settings menu that unlocks after completing the story. This feature provides a chance to relive moments and select your preferred character, thus allowing for exploration and satisfaction in romantic pursuits.

Final Thoughts

Romancing Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is not just about luck; it requires intentional decision-making and careful relationship management. By focusing on Aerith, nurturing your dialogue choices, and successfully completing her side quests, you’ll forge a powerful connection that leads to memorable moments, including two cherished dates. As you progress, remain cautious of the potential for relationships with other characters, ensuring Aerith remains your priority. Enjoy the journey, and cherish every moment with Aerith as she becomes a cornerstone of Cloud's adventure.