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Geometry Dash review

Geometry Dash emerges in the gaming world as a vibrant, high-speed platformer demanding precise timing and a passion for rhythm. At its core, Geometry Dash not only tests reflexes but also offers a musical journey across meticulously designed levels that move in sync with electronic dance music (EDM). From your first interaction with its main menu, Geometry Dash clearly presents its offerings—a rich campaign, a detailed character editor, and access to a growing library of online levels.

The Core Experience: Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay mechanics of Geometry Dash seem simple but are infamously hard to conquer. As players navigate through different levels, their character—a customizable icon—advances at a steady pace, requiring impeccably timed leaps over obstacles. With controls condensed to the left mouse button, spacebar, or the up arrow key, the game is straightforward to engage with yet hard to perfect. The campaign serves as a well-crafted introduction to Geometry Dash, featuring 21 levels each with unique themes, colors, and musical backgrounds, providing a diverse experience at every stage.

A World of Customization and Creativity

One of the standout features of this game is its extensive level editor, which has ignited a community of creators, producing thousands of custom levels across various difficulties and themes. This editor not only fosters creativity but also greatly enhances the longevity of Geometry Dash. Although it offers a selection of music from for crafting levels, the limitation to this single source means players cannot incorporate their own music tracks into their creations. Additionally, the character customization feature injects a personalized element, enabling players to unlock new colors and icons, adding a layer of progression and flair.

Navigating Through Rhythm-Based Mazes

The campaign's levels range in difficulty, marked by icons next to each name, offering a progressively harder yet satisfying voyage. Overcoming difficult levels after numerous tries provides a deep sense of accomplishment. However, while each level brings its unique challenge to the table, the exclusive focus on EDM might come across as limiting to those with varied musical tastes.

Conclusion: The Geometry Dash Adventure

Geometry Dash skillfully blends rapid action, captivating gameplay, and the liberty for creativity. It merges straightforward mechanics with tough obstacles, appealing to players seeking an engaging and rewarding challenge. Even though its musical variety and restrictions on the level editor's music source may slightly diminish the experience for some, the game's extensive customization features and the wealth of community-generated content ensure its place as a beloved game among fans of platformers and rhythm games.


  • Simple to learn gameplay mechanics that are challenging to master
  • Wide variety of levels in the campaign, each with unique aesthetics and music
  • In-depth and user-friendly level editor fostering community engagement
  • Extensive character customization options.


  • Limited to EDM, potentially restricting broader musical taste appeal.

Graphics and Sound 7

Controls 8

Gameplay 8

Lasting Appeal 9

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